Wednesday, September 7, 2011

PB testimonial

Selamat hari raya everyone!! This hari raya,i've been receiving a lot of good news from my customer bout their effect after wearing PB..
1st : my ex-colleague from Penang,Kak first,she wore PB to have slimmer figure,shape up her 'twins'..but after a few weeks wearing it,she got pregnant! Alhamdulillah.. it definitely shows how PB really work!..i'm so happy for her..

2nd: my own she reaches her middle age this year,her tummy no longer look as hot as jessica alba as she use to.. :p..i tell u..she is realllyyyyy exerciseholic kinda person..everyday she do sit up,crunches..but as she reaches her five oh this year,her metabolism is not like it used to i intro her to PB..after 2 years of NO PERIOD..she even thought she already menapause..this week,she tell me her period CAME!! What can i say..the miracle of PB..she even got slimmer waist.. :)

3rd : my dear friend eyza..she drop 1 size after only couple of weeks wearing it!

I am beyond happy that i got to share the miracle of this great product with my family n friends!

If you are interested, call me now! 0193826233!


Sunday, August 21, 2011

How to Wear Premium Beautiful

Step 1 : Put on the Long Bra

1. Tundukkan padan 90 darjah dan sarungkan bra ke badan dan letakkan payu dara ke dalam cawan bra (pastikan semua daging payudara masuk cantik ke dalam cup bra
2.Lekatkan cangkuk di bahagian belakang
3.Tarik semua lebihan lemak yang ada di bahagian belakang dan bawa ke hadapan (masukkan ke dalam cawan bra).
4. Laraskan tali bra supaya dapat kedudukan yang selesa.
5. Betulkan kedudukan bra

** kalau tangan tak sampai ke belakang dan no one can help to cangkukkan, caranya ialah kita berkemban ngan kain batik atau aper-aper kain dulu, pastu cangkuk kat depan dulu baru pusingkan ke belakang (pusing kain tu la). sbb kalau tanpa kain alas, PB tak boleh pusing sbb dah melekat kat badan. **

Step 2 : Put on the Long Girdle

1. Lipatkan bahagian pinggang dan dan kaki seluar dalam
2.Sarungkan seperti memakai seluar dalam biasa
3. Masukkan tangan di bahagian punggung dan tarik lebihan lemak ke atas
4. Perbetulkan kedudukannya agar selesa

Step 3 : Put on the Waist Nipper

1.Letakkan rama-rama diamond terletak di tengah dada
2.Lekatkan kesemua cangkuk(patut berada di tulang rusuk kiri badan)
3. Betulkan kedudukannya
4.Tarik tali pelaras
5.Tahan nafas dan cangkukkan ke depan
6. Pastikan ianya selesa

** make sure tali-tali yg ikat kat belakang tu SELARI dengan tulang belakang yer.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Syukur Alhamdulillah~
Walaupun tak bekerja..
saya masih mendapat bonus dari my biz ~ xperlu la cakap berapa kan,nnt org ckp riak.. :p
to be honest..the is the easiest business i ever join so far~

As a health conscious, sy memang tak kedekut utk mengeluarkan duit utk sihat..
previously,i've join this well known health business, H*life..
I've lost 5kg just the first month consume it..
but for my opinion,this things only works for people that are really discipline following its routine..kalo skip2,mmg tak dapat result yang sama..
plus,its quite costly as you need to buy the shakes every month..

Dengan PB,i also got the same result but with firmer body shapes~
Perut tak usah ckp la..
no more flabby tummy! instant mummy tuck!

For mommies or mommies to be out there..
I know the PB corset is quite costly,
but the result is undeniably effective! Lagi2 if you are breastfeeding..Memang sangat mudah turun berat n get that firmer and slimmer body..
Plus,LIFETIME WARRANTY..takde corset kat luar sana yg bagi warranty macam ni..
There's nothing wrong for you,wanting to have a healthier and slimmer body for you hubby kan.. :) Happy hubby = happy marriage :p

Jangan fikir panjang..! Ramadhan tinggal 19 hari sahaja~

RM2000 for small, and RM2200 for large!
we accept cash and credit cards only. No installment

But for those that interested to join us this month,bonus rm4500 awaits!

Interested? Call me Nisa - 0193826233

Monday, August 1, 2011

Special month,special rebate!

Salam Ramadhan kareem to all~
Alhamdulillah that once again I've got the chance to fast with my lil family and this year is much more sweeter than last year. Why? Because of this lil dude

He made our family complete and happier with his funny character and i think his getting heavier..6 month = 10kg!

Wearing PB during fasting is so easy for me..I still feel energy even till iftar time.I dont even feel sleepy during the day which usually i do!..
Wear PB for 8 hours a day,you'll burn 7200 calories! (1 hour = 900 calories) ..
So, to encourage all woman and even men to wear our wonderful product,Premium Beautiful this month,we gave our special rebate price only on Ramadhan.

rm2000 for small and rm2200 for large!Siyes tak tipo!

only accept cash and credit card .no installment..

Let achieve your dream figure this Ramadhan to fit your favorite outfit for Syawal !!!

Call me,Nisa at 0193826233

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Kenapa PB perlu untuk pantang?

Banyak sebab kenapa PB lebih bagus dari bengkung2 yg ada di pasaran atau bengkung2 mak kite dulu!..

Kita semue tahu kenapa kita pakai bengkung time pantang kan?
- untukkan kempis perut yg dah gelebeh tu..(souvenir dari our precious baby la katekan..)
- kalau bengkung yg sampai bwh punggung tu,utk kasik upkan punggung balik la..Tapi lepas tu nak jalan,mmg mcm kura2 la..kalau dapat anak yg setiap sejam nak susu macam my lil bam bam tu..tahniahla! so, sy berbengkung kat perut je la..hasilnya..punggung ku tidak seperti dulu lg..waaaaaaaaaaaa

Plus, bengkung2 ni pon bukan ade apa-apa fungsi lain yang boleh menyembuhkan sakit2 lain yang common time pantang macam :

- sakit kepala sebab time pantang memang asa berangin je kt kepala(mak2 kite soh pakai pilis tp time saya susah gler nak carik pilis!)

- sembelit! ya allah..mmg risauuuu sgt.. sbb kalau teran lebih2 kang terbukak jahitan..eeee..takutttt

Dengan Far infra red yang dibekalkan melalui pemakaian Premium beautiful corset,angin - angin dalam badan akan di buang melaluinya..kita akan lebih selesa dan rasa light je..Plus,konfem lepas pantang body mantap kembali!

pic credit to google
Interested? call me,Nisa 0193826233

Monday, July 25, 2011

Nak pakai PB tapi tak cukup duit.?

Ramai yg tanya why housewife macam saya ni nak pakai PB..dah la mahal..
Sib baik en suami memahami..Nak isteri mcm awal2 kenal dulu kene la melabur..tol x? :p
Lagi-lagi since ada anak ni,bila la nak exercise..kalau dulu saya boleh buat sit up 200x sehari(yup!)..skrg 0x..lg2 dapat budak cibam camni..

dok layan die je la..Solutionnye?PB la!

Cara die senang saja..
Sekarang ade Easy -Pinjaman Express by RHB.Just pergi ke Tesco atau branch RHB berdekatan.Bawak kad pengenalan je! Diorang akan check KWSP korang ..kalo betul ade duit tiap2 bulan masuk,konfirm dapat! So easy~

No documentation required
On-the-spot approval and disbursement in less than 10 minutes
Flexible Personal Financing amounts from RM2,000 to RM50,000
Low monthly installment amount from less than RM60 per month
Flexible loan repayment tenure of up to 5 years (60 months)
**sebulan bayar rm57.54 je utk pakai PB!!!


Get the Easy Visa Debit Card with the approved loan
Convenient monthly repayment through standing instruction

credit to RHB

Mudah bukan?Jangan tunggu lagi!Wear it now!

Stop Doubting.Start use it!

call me at Nisa 0193826233

Bagaimana nak dapatkan ukuran PB anda?

Senang saja! Ambik pita tape..ukur ikut bahagian badan anda di:

Pic credit to google

Semue ukuran dalam centimeter ye..Saya hilang 5 cm setelah 2 hari memakai PB di waistline n hips?anda?
100% tailored made for your body.. Semue orang ade size!

Stop doubting! start use it!

Call me now at Nisa 0193826233

PB set

When i first start using PB, memang rasa " eee..byknye kene pakai!"..Sekarang..kalo tak pakai xsah!hahaha.. Every single item penting untuk mendapatkan benefit untuk different part of our body!

Wear Premium Beautiful for at least 8 hours per day. PB gives you FIR therapy that slimming center offer but they cost you more!!With PB you'll get:
1. Slimmer,more contour body and firmer breast
2. It helps you to get more proportional build and body!
3. Sapa taknak perut kempis beb?!
LIFETIME WARRANTY! as long your PB tag is attached.

So?What are you waiting for? Stop doubting! Start use it!

Call me @ Nisa 0193826233

Why PB?

I'll know most people already boring reading the same thing bout PB all over again kan?
Tapi memang sudah 20 tahun this product menapak kt Malaysia n thousands of positive testimonial dari pemakai..Jadi this product wajib di miliki oleh semua wanita di dunia! Kenapa?

Thermal Theraphy that uses FIR technology merupakan kaedah rawatan alternatif terkini dalam dunia perubatan. FIR therapy dibahagikan kepada 3 kategori bentuk rawatan dan pemulihan iaitu:

1. It helps cleanse the blood from toxin and melancarkan blood circulation in our body - goo blood circulation helps deliver the oxygen to our brain effectively and when that happens,we felt so energetic!

-Membantu menjadikan kulit pejal dan kenyal (terbukti!)
-Membantu menjadikan beberapa jenis penyakit kulit dan alergi (alahan) akan hilang (my asthma dah berkurang sincepakai PB.Ahamdulillah)

2. Its stimulate the inactive and weak cell and increase the body metabolisme- That why it is good to help people with fibroid/cyst and mencegah kanser.
- membetulkan kedudukan rahim especially orang yang baru lepas beranak.
-Good for people with slip disc and sakit belakang

3. It fix the neuro inbalance in our body while it balance our body organ
- For people yang susah nak tido lena malam pon bagus.Since i got my baby memang susah nk tido lena.But now,lena abis tido.!
- Bila sistem dalam badan dah balance,rasa marah naik angin pon berkurangan
-it definitely mengembalikan tenaga can feel it instantly once you wear PB

Stop doubting,start use it!

Call me @ Nisa - 0193826233

The new beginning

With بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ,I'll pray for berkat from Allah the Almighty.